Time Keeping
User-friendly time keeping systems
User-friendly time keeping systems
YoCo is a simple application to get started with and use. You can set up an account in a few minutes and once it's done, you can create projects and start inviting your staff to add them to their respective projects. Every employee would need to log into his/her account and click on the 'Clock-In' or 'Clock-Out' button respectively at their 'Hours' tab to register their entry and exit times. This way, they can keep track of their attendance and the project managers/business owners can get an overview of their employees' or team's attendance.
YoCo's user-friendly hours tracker is built for speed. Time keeping with YoCo is so simple that once you start using it, you won't think about using anything else. Whether you need to track hours for your full-time employees or want reports for part-time workers who need to be paid hours or weekly wages, you can easily do them all with YoCo. Apart from tracking clock in and clock out records in real time, you can even export this data in CSV format and push it into your payroll system to process payrolls faster. So, whether you need to check the overtime, weekly/daily hours on the job, or want to generate monthly reports for multiple projects, YoCo can handle them all.
Whether you need to see the billable hours of your full-time employees or the contract workers who need to be paid weekly/fortnightly wages, you can get all the requisite details at one go from YoCo. Thus, processing of payrolls, be it at the month-end or for your contract/part-time/telecommuting workers, could be done at a quick pace, without any hassle.
This time keeping application allows project managers or the Admin to define the role of members in their accounts. They can even change the roles of their team members, depending on who they want to take more responsibilities with a new role.
YoCo's staff inclusion feature improves the communication between the team/project managers and their respective team members. As an Admin of the account, you can add 'n' number of members, without paying anything. Since there's no restriction on the number of staff you can add to your account, you can manage multiple projects and their teams with this time keeping application, thus streamlining communication and ensuring faster completion of the tasks at hand.
So, are you ready to test YoCo and experience all these benefits for yourself?