YoCoBoard for You
Track Time like a Pro!
Track Time like a Pro!
YoCoBoard facilitates time tracking with just a click. Discover an online virtual time tracker that requires minimal effort from your end to start tracking time. YoCoBoard is the no-fuss app for your time tracking needs.
A stunningly simple record of all your time is stored in the cloud and you can obtain files at a click of a button. Download local copies of anytime you would like.
Confirm your work hours after you complete your shift for the day, and ease the administrative burden of the payroll calculations.
Missed clock ins/ clock outs are thing of the past. Make adjustments for the hours that you missed and receive updates for your adjustments immediately.
Track work hours spent on projects and track productivity effectively. Tag projects to tracked sessions to let everyone know what you worked on and simplify payroll.
The YoCoBoard web app promises you an incredible solution for your time tracking needs. The web app comes loaded with powerful features embedded in a user-friendly environment.
Your Android powered device can turn into your mobile time tracker. Download the YoCoBoard mobile app from Google Play store for free and start tracking time when you're away from your desk.
Transform your iOS powered mobile device into a mini time tracker with the free YoCoBoard app available on the App Store. Now, make all the time count with just a tap when you're on the go.
The super powers you need to manage your workforce's time
Create an account to become the super admin for the account. Add members and configure the profile, time format, and other settings that govern time tracking for your organization.
Calculating payroll becomes simple with billable hours at your grasp. Distinguish between days worked, days skipped, hours shorted and hours exceeded.
As an admin, you can designate admin privilages to other peers belonging to your organization. You can also set the level of access for the other admins.